Thursday, February 28, 2008

One third of Ethical Slut

I've gotten about a third of the way through The Ethical Slut. I'm finding it informative, if a bit elementary at times. For instance, it's good to know that their audience has much to learn from the bisexuals. Should I consider myself an advanced sexual oracle simply because I like a little cock now and again? You bet I should.

I really like the free-love tone of the whole thing. In fact, they claim that they'd have called the book "Free Love", if they'd thought it'd've sold as well. The vocabulary includes a great number of emotive and relational concepts. I suppose that this extends from their personal trip, which seems very much tied not only to getting your rocks off but also maintaining multiple stable, loving relationships.

It feels empowering. While it usually doesn't take me long to own my sexuality in a comfortable atmosphere, it always feels nice to have someone goading you on. They also discuss the sorts of enlightenment one might achieve from sluttiness. I can see how the book might provide guidance on how one could dovetail sexual adventurism into the sort of auto-reprogramming "taught" by RAW. However, if you aren't comfortable with introspection and that sort of conscious and willful manipulation of the mind, it really just comes off as pure flower power.

I don't know exactly to what extent my desires overlap with theirs. While I've certainly maintained for a while that I didn't view love as a finite resource, I do find that energy and attention seem limited. I don't know that I could do justice to two mates, let alone the complex tribes of mates that the authors seem to maintain. Mohamed, peace be upon him, capped the quota at four; he was much stronger than I. I can't even maintain more than twenty or so close friends. They do address that in the book by suggesting you buy a planner and schedule everything, including loving-bonding-time and sex.

I've never been able to keep a planner.

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